
EMPACT - “Empathy and Sustainability: The Art of Thinking Like a Mountain


Arts, Sustainability and Circular Economy Seminars and Workshops

5th, 6th & 7th October 2023

We are pleased to announce the 3-day workshop “Creative Sustainability-in-Practice” in the framework of the innovative project EMPACT – Empathy and Sustainability: The Art of Thinking like a Mountain, co-funded by the EU Creative Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No: 101055903 – EMPACT – CREA-CULT-2021-COOP-2). The project is coordinated by the Department of Fine Arts in Cyprus University of Technology and the assistant professors Efi Kyprianidou and Yiannis Christidis.

The workshop is organized by Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and will be held in Greek and English language.

The seminar aims to bring together artists, art and cultural professionals, theorists and key-thinkers in creative sustainability, philosophy and social sciences to discuss and explore ways of intensifying the powers of art in tackling the key pillars of sustainability. Furthermore, the workshops will introduce, discuss and clarify the meaning of “creative sustainability” in arts, which has important implications for artistic research, training and practice.

The event is expected to support artists and cultural professionals to engage with mainstream research from art, sustainability studies and humanities on the role of creative sustainability and perspective taking in advocating for environmental issues.

The Arts, Sustainability and Circular Economy Seminar will include one online session, one rural session (Kornos), short film screenings and a participatory concert. The topics of focus are environmental sustainability in art, theatre and cinema, sound art in a recycling era, zero waste fashion, environmental policy, circular economy as act of care and the public domain and the environmental management. The sessions will include artistic workshops on music, clay and design, sound performance and presentation of artistic projects.


Eva Berglund (Aalto University), Santiago Perez (UTT), Maria Panayiotou (Office Environmental Commission), Stavros Stavrou (Cultural Manager), Anastasia Hamatsou (Historian, Researcher), Dimitris Savva (artist), Dimitris Neokleous (visual artist), Kyriakos Kallis (visual artist), Costas Costantinides (UCY), Skevi Laou (artist), Nikolas Karatzas (director), Yianna Americanou (director), Eleana Alexandrou (artistic director Limassol 2030), Elena Agathokleous (MITOS), Alexis Vasileiou (Rialto Theater), Yiannis Armeftis (architect), Christina Skarpari (artist), Melany Constantinou (artist), Efi Kyprianidou (CUT), Yiannis Christidis (CUT), Danae Ioannou (CUT).

If you are an artist, arts manager, cultural professional, researcher, educator, student, or representative of a business company interested in cultural development, join us! The workshop has a limited number of participants: to reserve your place, please fill in the short registration form here.

The workshop is free of charge.

Join EMPACT social media and keep updated about empathy and sustainability through the arts: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
